Probationary license requirement exemption for persons enlisted in the armed forces [Sec. 2778] [original bill only] -
AB68Probationary license requirement exemption for persons enlisted in the armed forces [Sec. 2778] -
SB111Relocated active duty service member: child or spouse qualify for resident tuition at UW System and TCS institutions -
AB757Relocated active duty service member: child or spouse qualify for resident tuition at UW System and TCS institutions -
SB487Relocated active duty service members and their families: resident tuition eligibility at UW System institutions and technical colleges [Sec. 662, 663, 683, 684, 9342 (1), 9347 (2)] [original bill only] -
AB68Relocated active duty service members and their families: resident tuition eligibility at UW System institutions and technical colleges [Sec. 662, 663, 683, 684, 9342 (1), 9347 (2)] -
SB111Relocated active duty service members and their spouses and children: determining state residency for resident tuition eligibility at UW System institutions and technical colleges -
AB635Relocated active duty service members and their spouses and children: determining state residency for resident tuition eligibility at UW System institutions and technical colleges [S.Amdt.1: fall semester commencement of graduate health sciences classes provision added] -
SB605Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted -
AB103Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted -
SB108UW System application fee exemption for veterans and service members -
AB444UW System application fee exemption for veterans and service members -
SB439Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members -
AB203Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members, and certain Laos refugees -
AB870Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members -
SB226Veteran status indicated on operator’s license or state ID card: "veteran" includes current or former armed forces, reserve unit, or National Guard members, and certain Laos refugees -
SB823Military income from the federal government for individuals on active duty exempt from income tax; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted -
AB39Military income from the federal government for individuals on active duty exempt from income tax; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted -
SB43Military pay income tax exemptions re active duty; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 243, 246, 257, 9337 (1)] -
AB68Fort Bragg in North Carolina: rename to commemorate U.S. Brigadier General Edward Stuyvesant Bragg, a Civil War veteran -
SJR54Emergency medical responder certification applicant: DHS cannot require National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians registration or examination; military service education, training, and experience provisions -
AB93Emergency medical responder certification applicant: DHS cannot require National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians registration or examination; military service education, training, and experience provisions -
SB89Barrett, Thomas: public service to the State of Wisconsin and City of Milwaukee recognized and congratulations on confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg -
AJR122Barrett, Thomas: public service to the State of Wisconsin and City of Milwaukee recognized and congratulations on confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg -
SJR97Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th -
AJR28Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th -
SJR38DOA grants awarded to eligible recipients -
AB444DOA grants awarded to eligible recipients -
SB439Extension of certain approvals for construction projects and plats or certified survey maps; uniform dwelling code and occupancy permit provisions; waiving interest and penalties on late property tax installment payments [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, uniform dwelling code provisions removed] -
SB254Housing authorities: undertaking of mixed developments authorized and bidding threshold for housing authority projects increased; DOA appendix report [S.Amdt.1: provisions limited to first class city] -
SB533Lead screening and outreach activities funding [Sec. 2582; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 366] -
AB68Milwaukee Trauma Response Teams grant [Sec. 781] [original bill only] -
AB68Milwaukee Trauma Response Teams grant [Sec. 781] -
SB111Offender reentry demonstration project extended [Sec. 1004, 1005] [original bill only] -
AB68Offender reentry demonstration project extended [Sec. 1004, 1005] -
SB111Search warrant may be executed without knocking; local governments and law enforcement agencies cannot restrict execution of a search warrant; expenditure of certain federal moneys by first class city -
AB834Search warrant may be executed without knocking; local governments and law enforcement agencies cannot restrict execution of a search warrant; expenditure of certain federal moneys by first class city -
SB874Vacant parcel owned by a church or religious association: property tax exemption, conditions set [A.Amdt.10 to A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 238x, 9337 (3a)] -
AB68Vendors of personal property items at state correctional institutions: DOC to contract with no fewer than 3, allow purchase on behalf of an inmate, and at least one vendor offers a storefront in the City of Milwaukee -
AB565Vendors of personal property items at state correctional institutions: DOC to contract with no fewer than 3, allow purchase on behalf of an inmate, and at least one vendor offers a storefront in the City of Milwaukee [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, changed to 2 or 3 vendors, "storefront" changed to "location"; S.Amdt.1: 1st class city provision removed] -
SB564Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
AB739Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
SB741Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to -
AB114Board of police and fire commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
SB117Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
AB739Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
SB741Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to -
AB114Board of police and fire commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
SB117City Year Milwaukee grants [Sec. 320, 1905] [original bill only] -
AB68City Year Milwaukee grants [Sec. 320, 1905] -
SB111Early admission to 4K, 5K, or first grade for a private school participating in a parental choice program permitted -
AB617Early admission to 4K, 5K, or first grade for a private school participating in a parental choice program permitted -
SB597MPCP: first class city school levy aid removed [Sec. 2144, 2171, 2176, 2177, 2179, 2191] [original bill only] -
AB68MPCP: first class city school levy aid removed [Sec. 2144, 2171, 2176, 2177, 2179, 2191] -
SB111MPS dissolved and replaced with four to eight City of Milwaukee public school districts; Milwaukee Public Schools Redistricting and Implementation Commission created -
AB966MPS dissolved and replaced with four to eight City of Milwaukee public school districts; Milwaukee Public Schools Redistricting and Implementation Commission created -
SB963MPS youth service centers for truancy abatement and burglary suppression requirement eliminated [Sec. 2005, 2146] [original bill only] -
AB68MPS youth service centers for truancy abatement and burglary suppression requirement eliminated [Sec. 2005, 2146] -
SB111Online early learning pilot program for low-income children in certain school districts: 2019 WisAct 170 provisions modified -
AB859Online early learning pilot program for low-income children in certain school districts: 2019 WisAct 170 provisions modified -
SB828Opportunity Schools and Partnership Programs repealed [Sec. 53-57, 315, 704, 1078, 1087, 1108, 1109, 1134, 1208, 1897, 1898, 1992-2001, 2003, 2023-2027, 2116-2126, 2142, 2143, 2145, 2148-2159, 2165, 2281, 2282, 3289] [original bill only] -
AB68Opportunity Schools and Partnership Programs repealed [Sec. 53-57, 315, 704, 1078, 1087, 1108, 1109, 1134, 1208, 1897, 1898, 1992-2001, 2003, 2023-2027, 2116-2126, 2142, 2143, 2145, 2148-2159, 2165, 2281, 2282, 3289] -
SB111Participation in MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, the statewide parental choice program, or the SNSP: cap on pupils set; waiting list provision [Sec. 1944-1946, 1948, 1949, 1951-1959, 2091, 2093, 2096, 2097, 2099-2109, 2113, 2115, 2127, 2130, 2132-2135, 2139, 2141, 9134 (3), 9334 (5)-(8)] [original bill only] -
AB68Participation in MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, the statewide parental choice program, or the SNSP: cap on pupils set; waiting list provision [Sec. 1944-1946, 1948, 1949, 1951-1959, 2091, 2093, 2096, 2097, 2099-2109, 2113, 2115, 2127, 2130, 2132-2135, 2139, 2141, 9134 (3), 9334 (5)-(8)] -
SB111Per pupil payments to private schools participating in parental choice programs: calculation changed -
AB1041SNSP phased out; pupil enrollment cap in parental choice programs; DPI duties -
AB1040Transporting pupils attending a private school in a first class city -
AB160Transporting pupils attending a private school in a first class city -
SB221WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes -
AB621WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes -
SB608Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized; levy increase set with exemption provision -
AB408Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized -
SB424Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized; levy increase set with exemption provision -
SB425MMSD dredged material management facility [Sec. 2437-2442] [original bill only] -
AB68MMSD dredged material management facility [Sec. 2437-2442] -